

Transistorcake - Interview

How did you get into djing and when did you decide to start making music?

Actually, it went the other way around for me. I’ve been making music since forever and I only started Djing a few years ago. Although I really enjoy Djing, creating and recording music has always been more my thing.

What / who influences you the most when making music?

I find that a difficult question because I never really think about it actually… I just follow my intuition and mood of the moment when I’m making music…

Now that I try to analyze, I often find the instruments themselves inspiring. 

That’s why I also find it important for a synthesizer or piece of gear to look nice because, just like it’s sound characteristics, the esthetics can really trigger you and inspire you. I like to play my creations to friends, but usually in a later stage. 

If you’ve been tweaking a track for weeks and then play it to people who have never heard the track before, they will always point out interesting things and it gives you a whole new perspective.

Transistorcake - SoundCloud

You are from Belgium, a country that has played a big part in the electronic music scene. What is the scene like there nowadays?

For electronic music there’s a lot going on on Deewee, the Soulwax record label and studio (Charlotte Adigery, Asa Moto…). 

Stuff, Beraadgeslagen and Shht are doing amazing things on the more experimental side. 

I’d say Belgium has a very diverse music scene, hiphop is pretty big at the moment and some great pop records are made here too.

What is your routine when creating a new track?

I start by dumping my phone somewhere in the house, so nobody can interrupt me and then I’ll build a little setup with my favourite pieces of gear of the moment and make sure everything can be recorded at any time.

Coffee or lemonade does the rest.

What key pieces of gear/software are you using to define your sound right now?

I use a lot of hardware gear, mainly analog stuff but also a few digital synths and drummachines.

I love hands-on hardware, it gives you the freedom to be impulsive, although for mixing and final tweaking I prefer software for the biggest part.

I also love playing with acoustic recordings in electronic music, I often record drums and percussion rather than programming.

What is the enemy of creativity in your opinion?

All the random stuff that interupts you during a day. 

There’s always a variety of sudden “urgent” things to do, and sometimes it can be difficult to say no to that. 

But it’s important to really watch over it and give yourself the freedom to ignore certain things for a little while.

What do you enjoy the most besides music?

Movienights, fries, the combo of espresso and sparkling water, and dark chocolate.
I also love experimenting with electronics and repairing stuff. And cooking.

What would be the setting time and place for the perfect gig?

Evening, open air, not too many people, no stage and a fantastic sound system. About 24 degrees Celcius.


Can you tell us about your Cocktail EP? How did you come up with the concept?

I’m not very much of a cocktail drinker myself, I was mainly triggered to do something cocktail themed because of pictures from beautiful cocktails that I came across. 

I love how these drinks can be real pieces of art and I wanted to create a soundtrack for a sweaty cocktail party with a great atmosphere where only the most beautiful cocktails were served. 

I almost saw it like a movie in front of me while making the songs.

Any plans for the upcoming months?

We have some exciting things planned, yes. Next week we’ll play our first concert since lockdown. 

I’m also finishing new music at this very moment and we’ll be preparing a new live set for the end of the year.

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